The 10-Year Millionaire Journey – Knowing Myself

The 10-Year Millionaire Journey – Knowing Myself

I am writing after a full month and owe it to myself and everyone who might read why there was a gap. I set myself goals and just fell short. So, here is the roundup, what I failed to do and how I am planning to avoid a repeat.

Tennis – The New Horizon

As it stands, I know what my money is. It is a single source. I did extract more from it and now, I will be writing on tennis in addition to football. This is a welcomed addition and I want to make the most from the opportunity that provided itself.

This was the good news. There were some setbacks as well. For the last nine months, I took on a daily task and diligent in performing it. It also meant that I would be pocketing $300 from the twenty minutes I put in every day.

But we all make mistakes and I did too. One late night, I messed up the dates and published the wrong article. I slept in late and by the time I responded to the messages, it was late. One part of the daily tasks was taken from me.

I explained myself but was told not to work on that assignment anymore. To tell you the truth, I did not take that in the right way. My knee-jerk reaction was to absolve myself of the other publishing task as well. And I did so.

Now, I was in a $300 hole and needed to fill it up. Fortunately, the tennis role opened up and I helped myself to it. So, I am still at the same level where I started but the good thing is, I am widening my area of work, which should help in the long run.

Finding Real Work in Germany

I failed at this task miserably. It was shambolic to say the least.

I started looking for a job, one in which I will have to leave my house every day. I was willing to make less money but it was something with a long-term goal.

And one such opportunity came. My brother hooked me up at his workplace and it was in line with what I wanted. An accounting role which can be transitioned into taxation. That was the goal at least.

I had recently been looking at ATT UK and this would have been a great role to learn the ins and outs. But it was not meant to be. I gave a couple of interviews but did not impress the hiring people.

I did not share it with anyone but it really hurt me. And I got into my shell. This happened right when I was also relieved of the daily publishing tasks I mentioned earlier. So, the couple of setbacks resulted in me doing nothing and just wasting time.

I have not gotten back into the fold since and really had to force myself into accepting this. It is easy to say that there are other fish in the sea but when you think you are close to achieving a goal and do not, getting back on track is not easy.

The Way Forward

I was knocked down but not out. That’s why I am writing this entry.

To move forward, I have set myself three goals for my journey.

First, I will work on the website for one hour every day. If I write content every day. If I do not have the motivation to write, I will work on the outlook and other factors that affect the website. But I will do something on Finanzen404 every day.

Secondly, I will set aside one hour daily to learn something. This is the minimum I will do. I have two skill targets in mind. Technical Writing and Email Marketing are the focus of my attention. The first will help me write about software that can be useful in my journey. The other will help me make an email list so that people can get my emails in their inboxes.

Third and most important, I will become active in searching for a job. I will search for jobs for thirty minutes and then get to other tasks. It might increase but with constant effort and as my portfolio grows, I should be able to complete this task.

Learning about finances is not included in these tasks. That goes without saying. That’s the ultimate goal and with these actions, I plan on achieving it.

The 10-Year Millionaire Journey – Knowing My Money

The 10-Year Millionaire Journey – Knowing My Money

In my last post, I laid down the gauntlet. I said it out aloud. I am not going to lie. It was overwhelming and I got scared writing it all. The more difficult part was clicking the publish button.

Everything that could go wrong went through my mind. I made note of all the different what-ifs as they raced through in front of my eyes. I think it all boils down to accountability. If I put it out there, I will have to live up to it. And if I fail, I will be a social pariah.

It did not stop me. I realized, no one will read this. Its a new website and probably not even indexed in Google. I will get to that part in a couple of weeks if I am publishing regularly. See, I have a backup plan already. Hate the pessimist in me.

I published what my goal is going to be, so what’s next? I need to own my money now.

Who Owns My Money Stream

Before I can get to saving and investing or starting a business, I need to know money, my money. The roads in front of me will only open I am aware of where I am exactly.

So, a little more introduction about myself. I am a Sports Blogger turned Communication Professional turned Business Analyst turned Freelance Data Analyst turned Sports Blogger.

Money has usually been tight for me. I returned to writing for sports as it was lucrative, and the exchange rate from USD to Pakistani Rupee made the decision easier.

I have been at it since June 2021. I liked doing it initially but not anymore. And I know AI is coming for my job. It pays the bills and I am happy about it. So, I cannot complain.

But it is a freelance contract. The employers are nice but they are also doing business. They have no loyalty to me, it is to their objectives. And since I have been made redundant before, I cannot allow them to be the sole providers of my money.

What Are the Other Money Streams

I am a freelancer with just one client. This is bad. Again, as I type this out, I realize how big a problem it can be. I cannot rely on this source of income alone.

So, I need to find other sources of income. What are the options that I have.

  1. Find another client
  2. Start a business
  3. Temporary jobs
  4. Ask the current employer for more work

To be safe, I should start searching for a new client. That should be my first target. I found the current client thanks to cold emailing. I will have to go through the same routine again.

I know I should have done this a year ago but I succumbed to Newton’s third law and enjoyed comfort far too much.

About starting a business, I do not think I can do that right now. Far too timid at the moment. But this is where you all come, my invisible audience. I want you to spur me on.

A temporary job is not an answer right now as well. I am not at risk of losing my job and have saved for around three months. If shit hits the fan, I will be of to the races for it. I will be cycling around Munich to do that. But first, I have to find a new contract.

A fourth option can be asking my employer for more work. I can save money or possibly retrain in some other field. That can help in the long run as well. And if nothing, I can improve my conversation for seeking work. Fingers crossed.

My Streams Are Running Dry

Football is life.

Dani Rojas – Ted Lasso

I love football and writing about it makes me nauseous about the game. I want to watch the games but do not want to put in the extra effort to even turn on the television. It makes me think about work. And I just don’t go through with it then.

The bigger issue is that I am at the same level that I started at. My skill level has deteriorated and with good reason. I only write on this one subject and for one specific reason. And I am not helped in any way to improve this: no stats provided, no data shared. They can fire me in the next instant and replace me with a monkey who can type. And there will be no difference.

So, it’s time to move away. I need to find another source of income. I have been doing Hubspot’s Digitial Marketing certification and can put it to use. I seriously need to think about my career and whether I should change it or not. I have 30 good years of working left in me and I want to make the most of it.

Takeaways From the Second Session

I realized that my income source is a vulnerability and I need to address it. My money tap can be switched off with one sto

While I increase my financial knowledge, I need to diversify my sources of income. Finding another client is top priority, which is closely followed by asking for more work. Will update my plans and activities on this front later.

I am realizing that I am making some very bold statements in these blog posts. It’s like talking to my inner voice. I make these promises in my head as well. But there are more people there. That’s a discussion for some other day, so we will get into it later.

Bye, catch up with you all later.

The 10-Year Millionaire Journey – First Steps

The 10-Year Millionaire Journey – First Steps

10-Year Millionaire Journey - First Steps

Salutations to anyone who is reading. Like everyone else, I like to have money. Be carefree about it. And like most of people on this planet, I do not have it.

At the age of 36, I realized I need to take action for this. I need to have a plan for achieving this. I will be 50 soon and that part of life goes like a breeze, so I have been told. And then the 60s hit you. That’s the descent into the 70s and senility.

I have no plan. My job will be overtaken by robots soon. I earn too little. And the 40-year journey to million dollars and beyond is not in my reach. I have to buy a home sooner rather than later. Will have kids soon, so that’s expensive. Nothing in my life is going according to any plan.

The goal is set. It has been set for quite some time but life just keeps on happening. And I have been going with its flow.

As I write this, I realize that I need to be accountable. It will be key to my success. This is why I explicitly sat down and started writing. And as all my thoughts wander in my mind, it is the one defining factor. Alongside, having a comprehensive plan to follow through.

Like most people around, I do not have anyone to talk to. I am distrustful of financial planners. Not because they are out there to get me and want my money. But for two reasons. I am embarrassed by my situation and I am fearful of asking for help. The feeling of being dumb is overwhelming.

Google Will Tell You to Actively Save and Invest

10-Year Millionaire Journey - Savings and Investing

So, like everyone who is scared of asking for help, I did what everyone else does. I asked Google to help me. It was a waste of energy and time. I came across 6000-word articles that were just generic advice.

And it all boiled down to one thing. No, roadmap whatsoever. I wanted someone to hold my hand and show me the path. And I did not want to pay anyone. It did not go according to my plan.

Anything that you will come across will be centred around saving this much for this many years and you will be a millionaire.

How does this help? I know compound interest is very powerful but it seems just a way to pour money in savings depots and earn affiliate commissions for these content creators.

But this is where their help finishes. I have no qualms with affiliate marketing, I would profit from such an opportunity too. But also guide the audience in making the right investments.

I like this advice but I also believe this is not the only way. It is one way of going about it but it is a very passive way. I want to be accountable. I want to be the master of my own journey and be active in my approach.

Actively saving and investing that amount is a very respectable approach. Especially, if you have all the burdens of the world, from going to work to taking care of the family and just want to take care of your portfolio.

But this only works if I would have started early. Or have decent savings. Or knew how to find the right investment stocks and ETFs or Index funds.

But it cannot be the be-all and end of all of becoming a millionaire. And surely, it cannot be the only way to achieve this goal.

The One Youtube Video You Should Watch

I was planning for my life and I got bored of reading the same advice in different packages on Google’s first page. All it took was an hour.

But I could not give up and my idea of an active path to millionaire status brought me to YouTube. It did not go well.

First, I cleansed my mind and watched random videos. It was one of these days, I had a plan and YouTube had another.

But after a couple of hours, I am not joking here. After spending more time watching YouTube videos than reading about my 10-year plan, I forced myself to make the search.

I knew the same material would be regurgitated there. And millionaire creators did not disappoint. And then I came to Anthony Vicino’s video. It resonated with me and it should with you as well. I have embedded it here and would ask you to give it a watch as well.

Budgeting Is Important and so Is Knowing Your Money

10-Year Millionaire Journey - Start Budgeting

Advice over the internet, be it YouTube videos or financial management blogs, is unanimous on two key pieces of advice.

The first is that we need to start saving and put that money to earn more money by investing it.

The second is that I need to know my Money. I need to know where it is coming from, how much it is and how it is spent.

It may sound easy for most of you but for someone on a freelance contract, it is difficult to ascertain it exactly.

Moreover, it becomes more difficult if you are nonchalant about your money. If you are like me and spend money knowing more will come, you are in for a rude awakening.

Anyways, I need to look into it in detail. It is not just knowing where I spend it but also knowing the thought process.

Takeaways From the First Session

It is going to be very BORING. And DIFFICULT. And TIME-CONSUMING.

It is a jungle out there and too much information. There is so much to learn and will require effort.

I need a concrete plan. But I cannot make one without knowing my finances, and my future goals. I cannot just think I am going to be a millionaire in 10 years and it will magically happen. It is just the first step.

It is daunting to know that half of your life has passed but you are still on the first step. But one thing that every writer and influencer told me was that there is still time. It is never too late.

For whatever are their reasons, I want to be optimistic in my approach. And they might actually be genuine in their advice.

So, here it is. I will be optimistic in my approach and actively craft my roadmap.

For anyone wondering why I wrote this, it is simple. It is frustrating to find an answer. And I did not find an answer. I got clues to build upon. You might find yourself in a similar situation. Don’t get discouraged. Soldier on.

I will be back with more details.